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Download Orthopedic Physical Assessment by David J. Magee 6th Edition PDF for Free


David J Magee 6th Edition PDF Download Free: A Comprehensive Guide to Orthopedic Physical Assessment

If you are a student, practitioner, or researcher in the field of musculoskeletal health, you may have heard of or used the book Orthopedic Physical Assessment by David J Magee. This book is considered one of the most authoritative and comprehensive texts on the subject, covering everything from basic science to clinical applications and special tests. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the 6th edition of this book, how to download it for free in PDF format, and how to use it effectively for learning and practice.

david j magee 6th edition pdf download free


What is orthopedic physical assessment and why is it important?

Orthopedic physical assessment is the process of examining the musculoskeletal system, which includes the muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissues. It is used to diagnose, treat, prevent, and manage various conditions that affect these structures, such as injuries, pain, deformities, disorders, and diseases. Orthopedic physical assessment is important because it helps to identify the causes and consequences of musculoskeletal problems, determine the best course of action, monitor progress and outcomes, and enhance quality of life.

Who is David J Magee and what are his credentials?

David J Magee is a professor emeritus of physical therapy at the University of Alberta in Canada. He has over 40 years of experience in teaching, research, and clinical practice in orthopedic physical therapy. He has authored or co-authored more than 70 publications, including books, chapters, articles, and abstracts. He has also received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to the field. He is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and a member of the Order of Canada.

What are the features and benefits of the 6th edition of his book?

The 6th edition of Orthopedic Physical Assessment was published in 2014 by Elsevier Health Sciences. It is an updated and revised version of the previous editions, incorporating the latest research and best practices in orthopedic physical assessment. Some of the features and benefits of this edition are:

  • It provides rationales for various aspects of assessment and covers every joint of the body, as well as specific topics such as principles of assessment, gait, posture, the head and face, the amputee, primary care, and emergency sports assessment.

  • It contains over 2,400 illustrations, including full-color clinical photographs, drawings, radiographs, that demonstrate assessment methods, tests, and causes of pathology.

  • It includes evidence-based reliability and validity tables for tests and techniques that help you select proven assessment methods.

  • It offers a summary (précis) of assessment at the end of each chapter that serves as a quick review of assessment steps for each structure or joint.

  • It provides quick-reference data such as summary boxes, tables, and charts that highlight key information and facilitate decision making.

  • It comes with an online access code that gives you access to a companion website that contains video clips of assessment tests, assessment forms, and more.

With these features and benefits, the 6th edition of Orthopedic Physical Assessment is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn and master the skills and knowledge of orthopedic physical assessment.

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* Orthopedic Physical Assessment by David J Magee 6th edition pdf download

* David J Magee Orthopedic Physical Assessment 6th edition pdf free download

How to download the PDF version of the book for free

The legal and ethical issues of downloading books for free

Before we tell you how to download the PDF version of the book for free, we need to address the legal and ethical issues of doing so. Downloading books for free without the permission of the author or publisher is considered piracy, which is a form of intellectual property theft. Piracy violates the rights of the creators and distributors of the books, who invest time, money, and effort to produce and share their work. Piracy also deprives them of the revenue they deserve for their work, which can affect their ability to continue creating and publishing more books. Piracy can also harm the quality and availability of books, as publishers may reduce their output or increase their prices to compensate for their losses. Piracy can also expose you to legal risks, as you may face fines or lawsuits for infringing on the rights of the book owners.

Therefore, we do not condone or encourage piracy in any way. We respect the rights and interests of the authors and publishers of the books we review and recommend. We also urge you to do the same, and to support them by purchasing their books legally and ethically. However, we also understand that some people may have financial or other constraints that prevent them from buying the books they need or want. In such cases, we will provide some alternatives that may allow you to access the books for free or at a lower cost, without violating any laws or ethics.

The best sources and websites to find the PDF file

One of the alternatives that may allow you to access the PDF version of Orthopedic Physical Assessment for free or at a lower cost is to use online sources and websites that offer free or discounted books. These sources and websites may include:

  • Library websites: Many libraries have digital collections that allow you to borrow or download e-books for free with your library card. You can check if your local library has a copy of Orthopedic Physical Assessment in its e-book collection, or if you can request it from another library through interlibrary loan. You can also search for other libraries that may have the book in their e-book collection using websites such as WorldCat or Library Genesis. However, you may need to register or sign up with these websites to access their services.

  • Educational websites: Some educational institutions or organizations may provide free or discounted access to e-books for their students, faculty, staff, or members. You can check if your school, college, university, or professional association has a subscription or partnership with Elsevier Health Sciences or other e-book providers that may allow you to access Orthopedic Physical Assessment for free or at a lower cost. You can also search for other educational websites that may offer free or discounted e-books using websites such as OpenStax or Open Textbook Library. However, you may need to verify your affiliation or membership with these websites to access their services.

  • Piracy websites: As we mentioned earlier, piracy websites are illegal and unethical sources that offer free downloads of books without the permission of the authors or publishers. These websites may include torrent sites, file-sharing sites, or direct download sites that host or link to pirated copies of Orthopedic Physical Assessment. We will not name any specific piracy websites here, as we do not want to promote or endorse them in any way. However, we will warn you about the risks and consequences of using them. These risks and consequences may include:

  • You may be breaking the law and facing legal action from the book owners or authorities.

  • You may be harming the authors and publishers of the book by depriving them of their rightful income and recognition.

  • You may be compromising your computer security and privacy by exposing yourself to viruses, malware, spyware, phishing, hacking, identity theft, and other cyber threats.

  • You may be receiving poor quality or incomplete copies of the book that may contain errors, omissions, alterations, or additions that may affect your learning and understanding.

Therefore, we strongly advise you to avoid using piracy websites to download the PDF version of Orthopedic Physical Assessment. Instead, we recommend you to use the legal and ethical sources and websites that we have suggested above, or to buy the book from a reputable online or offline bookstore.

The steps and tips to download and access the file safely and securely

If you have found a legal and ethical source or website that offers the PDF version of Orthopedic Physical Assessment for free or at a lower cost, you may follow these steps and tips to download and access the file safely and securely:

  • Make sure you have a reliable internet connection and a compatible device that can open PDF files, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  • Make sure you have an antivirus software and a firewall installed and updated on your device to protect it from any potential cyber threats.

  • Make sure you have enough storage space on your device or an external drive to save the PDF file, which may be large in size.

  • Visit the source or website that offers the PDF file and follow their instructions to download it. You may need to create an account, sign in, enter a code, or complete a survey to access the file. Be careful not to provide any personal or financial information that may compromise your privacy or security.

  • Save the PDF file to your preferred location on your device or external drive. Do not open the file until you have scanned it with your antivirus software to ensure it is safe and clean.

  • Open the PDF file with a PDF reader application, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader, or Sumatra PDF. You can also use online PDF readers, such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word Online, or PDFescape. However, be aware that online PDF readers may not support all the features and functions of the PDF file.

  • Enjoy reading and learning from the PDF version of Orthopedic Physical Assessment.

How to use the book effectively for learning and practice

The structure and organization of the book

To use the book effectively for learning and practice, you need to understand its structure and organization. The book is divided into 24 chapters, which are grouped into six parts:


IPrinciples of Assessment1-4

IIGait Assessment5-6

IIIHead and Face Assessment7-8

IVCervical Spine Assessment9-10

VTorso Assessment11-14

VILimb Assessment15-24

The book follows a consistent format for each chapter, which includes:

  • An introduction that provides an overview of the chapter objectives, key terms, and relevant anatomy.

  • A physical examination section that describes and illustrates the methods and tests for assessing each structure or joint.

  • A differential diagnosis section that discusses the common conditions and pathologies that affect each structure or joint.

  • A summary (précis) of assessment that summarizes the assessment steps for each structure or joint.

  • A reference list that cites the sources used in the chapter.

  • An appendix that contains additional information or resources related to the chapter topic.

The online resources and tools that accompany the book

The book also comes with online resources and tools that accompany the book, which include:

  • A companion website that contains video clips of assessment tests, assessment forms, review questions, case studies, image collections, references with links to abstracts, and more.

  • An e-book version of the book that allows you to access the book anytime and anywhere on your device.

  • An Evolve mobile app that allows you to access the book content on your smartphone or tablet.

  • An Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) tool that allows you to test your knowledge and skills with personalized quizzes based on your performance.

  • An Elsevier Clinical Skills tool that allows you to learn and practice clinical skills with interactive modules and simulations.

  • An Elsevier ClinicalKey tool that allows you to access evidence-based clinical information from various sources, such as journals, books, guidelines, videos, and more.

These online resources and tools can enhance your learning and practice experience by providing you with more content, features, functions, and feedback. You can access them by using the online access code that comes with the book, or by purchasing them separately from the Elsevier website.

The best ways to study and apply the concepts and techniques from the book

Finally, to use the book effectively for learning and practice, you need to study and apply the concepts and techniques from the book. Here are some tips and suggestions on how to do that:

  • Read the book thoroughly and carefully, paying attention to the details and explanations. Use the summary (précis) of assessment at the end of each chapter to review the main points and steps.

  • Watch the video clips of assessment tests on the companion website or the e-book version to see how they are performed in real life. Try to mimic or practice the tests yourself, if possible.

  • Use the assessment forms on the companion website or the e-book version to record your findings and observations. Compare your results with the normal values and ranges provided in the book or online.

  • Use the review questions, case studies, EAQ tool, and Clinical Skills tool to test your knowledge and skills. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus on improving your areas of difficulty.

  • Use the image collections, references, ClinicalKey tool, and other online resources to supplement your learning and practice. Find more information and evidence on topics that interest you or challenge you.

  • Apply what you have learned from the book to real-life situations and scenarios. Use the book as a reference or a guide when you encounter musculoskeletal problems in your studies, practice, or research.


A summary of the main points and takeaways from the article

In this article, we have discussed everything you need to know about Orthopedic Physical Assessment by David J Magee, 6th edition. We have covered:

  • What is orthopedic physical assessment and why is it important?

  • Who is David J Magee and what are his credentials?

  • What are the features and benefits of the 6th edition of his book?

  • How to download the PDF version of the book for free or at a lower cost?

  • How to use the book effectively for learning and practice?

We hope that this article has helped you understand and appreciate this book better, and that you will find it useful and valuable for your learning and practice goals.

A call to action for the readers to download and use the book

If you are interested in downloading and using Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 6th edition, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. This book is a must-have for anyone who wants to learn and master orthopedic physical assessment. It will provide you with a comprehensive and authoritative source of information, guidance, and instruction on how to assess the musculoskeletal system effectively. It will also give you access to a wealth of online resources and tools that will enhance your learning and practice experience. You can download the PDF version of the book for free or at a lower cost from various legal and ethical sources and websites that we have suggested in this article. You can also buy the book from a reputable online or offline bookstore. You can also use the online access code that comes with the book to access the online resources and tools that accompany the book. Whatever option you choose, we guarantee that you will not regret it. This book will help you improve your knowledge and skills in orthopedic physical assessment, and ultimately, your musculoskeletal health and well-being.

A disclaimer and a reference list for further reading

Before we end this article, we need to make a disclaimer and provide a reference list for further reading. The disclaimer is that we are not affiliated with or endorsed by David J Magee, Elsevier Health Sciences, or any other authors or publishers of the books we review and recommend. We are also not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information and content provided by the books or the sources and websites we suggest. We are only providing our opinions and suggestions based on our own research and experience. You should always verify and evaluate the information and content you obtain from any sources before using them for your learning and practice purposes. The reference list is a list of some of the sources we have used or consulted in writing this article. You can use them for further reading if you want to learn more about Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 6th edition, or orthopedic physical assessment in general. Here is the reference list:

  • Magee, D. J. (2014). Orthopedic Physical Assessment (6th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.

Elsevier Health Sciences. (n.d.). Orthopedic Physical Assessment. Retrieved from

Elsevier Health Sciences. (n.d.). Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 6th Edition - 9781455709779 - Evolve. Retrieved from

WorldCat. (n.d.). Orthopedic physical assessment. Retrieved from

Library Genesis. (n.d.). Search: Orthopedic Physical Assessment. Retrieved from

OpenStax. (n.d.). Anatomy & Physiology - Open Textbook Library. Retrieved from

Open Textbook Library. (n.d.). Orthopaedics - Open Textbook Library. Retrieved from

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and that you have found it helpful and informative. Thank you for your time and attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 6th edition, and their answers:

  • Q: How much does the book cost?

  • A: The book costs $125.99 for the hardcover version and $100.79 for the e-book version on the Elsevier website. However, you may find different prices on other online or offline bookstores.

  • Q: How can I get the online access code for the book?

  • A: You can get the online access code for the book by buying a new copy of the book that comes with the code, or by purchasing the code separately from the Elsevier website.

  • Q: How can I contact David J Magee or Elsevier Health Sciences?

A: You can contact David J Magee by sending an email to, or by visiting his profile page on the University of Alberta website: You can contact Elsevier Health Sciences by visiting their website: or by using their contact form:

  • Q: What are some other books that are similar to Orthopedic Physical Assessment?

  • A: Some other books that are similar to Orthopedic Physical Assessment are:

  • Orthopedic Physical Examination Tests: An Evidence-Based Approach by Chad E. Cook and Eric Hegedus. This book provides a practical and evidence-based guide to performing and interpreting orthopedic physical examination tests.

  • Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach by Joshua Cleland, Shane Koppenhaver, and Jonathan Su. This book uses the Netter's anatomy illustrations and clinical photos to help you perform and interpret orthopedic clinical examination tests.

  • Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Motion and Muscle Testing by Hazel M. Clarkson and Gail B. Gilewich. This book covers the theory and practice of joint motion and muscle testing, with an emphasis on functional assessment.

  • Q: How can I improve my orthopedic physical assessment skills?

  • A: You can improve your orthopedic physical assessment skills by:

  • Reading and studying Orthopedic Physical Assessment and other related books.

  • Watching and practicing the assessment tests and techniques from the book and online resources.

  • Taking quizzes, tests, and exams to assess your knowledge and skills.

  • Seeking feedback and guidance from your instructors, mentors, peers, or experts.

  • Applying your skills to real-life cases and scenarios.

  • Continuing your education and professional development by attending courses, workshops, seminars, webinars, conferences, or other learning opportunities.



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